Welcome to the Element of Clement

Jac just recieved a bomb from me today and she was really happy. Well, that made me feel really good as it was meant to be a little surprise for her to brighten up her day. Thanks loads Dalp for being my mysterious postman. You did a great job! Thanks, owe u a treat the next time we meet up again.

Anyway, just some apologies to shiyun that I pangseh you today for lunch cos I was really tired. Let's meet again thur or fri ok.

Working at 3pm later on. Resigning as of 31st July. August will be a month of cherish for me before I leave everything behind to the NS. Ok it might not be so jialat but yeah I just wanna spend more time with Jac before I embark on another chapter of my life. 2 years ain't such a long time, but it is definitely not short.

Oh well, that's a tiny update. Maybe a more appropriate one after I resign from my job. Totally no time and no life. Ask Jac. LOL.

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