Gosh time flies. 3 years has passed. Not exactly long and not exactly short as well. Yes emo posts starts to appear 1 by 1 at our blogs. Sad but true. Part of the turning point in life.
Looking back. MANY things happened. We complained, had meals, chatted, crapped(?), made damn blardy noise together. There were bad times and there were good. There were times when I made everyone wanted to kill me. BUT HEY! Life's good with CLEMENT ok. OK.. lets see..
CHOW TYAN YIH. You're a really sweet girl ya know. Quiet but always eavesdropping onto my cubicle. No harm done. We still love u so. Work hard and ya know, I'm always here for u to complain to. =]
JOAN LIM MEI SZE. hamster hamster. what should I say. Everytime I find you, I see you eating. HAIYOH! Cannot lidat ok. You look gooooooood when u SMILE. So smile more girl. =]
CHIN JIA QI. work hard girl! Stop playing already horrrrrrr. Must get on with life and work hard. EARN lots of money. Open a shop or whatever but don't remember to feed me food. Thank you very much! HAHA! =]
HENDRY OCTAVANUS. OIE U MORON. you know I love you so much. Thanks for helping me sooooo much over the years. THOUGH I always bully you.. you know how much I love you yeah.. MUAAACKS! =]
PANG LIYI. YILI AH!! You ah.. always gang up with them to bully me. See u good good girl but always bully me. SADDED LA. OK damn kua zhang. But yeah.. you always produce good stuff so make sure you out human head ground. (chu ren tou di) =] J I A Y O U ah.
DIYANAH. GIRL AH! Nothing much to say but its been glad knowing you. Tough girl so no need much advice la hor. Have been a rocking 3 years. ROCK ON! =]
SOONWEESOON. LOVE U BRO! No need say much. you know i know can le. MUACKS! Rock on A KIA. hahahaha. =]
JACQUELINE EK ZHEN LING. OEI CRAB. Year1 = boy boy. Year2 = half boy half girl. Year3 = CHIO BU AH!!! My lil darling! =]
DALPHANIE MUN SOOK HAN. dalp!!!!!!!!!!!!! cute cute girl!! i alwaes like to bully u hor. but we always help each other work. Appreciate all late nights chat with each other. Trying to bug each other to carry on working. Its been 3 years. Jiayou and date me laaa. Though I might be occupied. =P
TAN ZHONG YI. OEI HANDSOME! work hard ah. Know your graphics are good. Earn more money. Be big boss boss. (JAC on phone with me now. she say u PON CLASS KING and SK is pon class queen) Keep in touch dude. CHEERS. =]
VANICE LAM WAN LING. mei po..... see u from yr1 to yr3... yue lai yue ai mei le ah.. hope things go smooth for u in the future.. will miss your noise in future.. Glad to have you as part of 01. Without your noice and without my noise.. class would be so boring.. =]
NEO FANG TING. OEI MEI NU! Faster get married with guoyi ok! Nothing much to say but yeah keep in touch! Its been great knowing you!! =]
CHARIS YUE JIE YIN. PRINCESS BUTTERFLY. Your such a sight to behold. I guess I am too since we share the same bdae. *shy* Take care and good luck in everything you pursue. Cheers. =]
JOAN CHIA YI MIN. FIRST! Thanks for all the money you lent me to tide me over. (OKOK!) Secondly. Thanks for all the massages although most of the time I get hoot instead. Thirdly. Its been great having you behind me all this time. No real reason but I appreciate it! =]
TAN SI JING SERLYN. OEI MAFIA. KON KIA. PINK HAIR GIRL. CLAFIA. HENG KIA. Thanks for all the nonsense you bring to us ok. Its been rocking. Without these nonsense, I will not be able to remember u ok. Be glad I remember you becos of these nonsense. Hahaha! Oh well.. =]
VINOTHINI RAJAH. BINO BINO (yes b). Yes darling.... SO NOW... I got no time to bitch with you... HOW AHH!!!!! AIYA.. i miss you already........ Its great bitching and making fools out of each other for 3 years.. Gonna miss all this..TAKE CARE GIRL! =]
TAN SK. Ran out of words for my TOD after writing for the rest of the class. Give u 3 letters. PCQ. PON CLASS QUEEN. LOL! Take care la. =]
Looking back. MANY things happened. We complained, had meals, chatted, crapped(?), made damn blardy noise together. There were bad times and there were good. There were times when I made everyone wanted to kill me. BUT HEY! Life's good with CLEMENT ok. OK.. lets see..
CHOW TYAN YIH. You're a really sweet girl ya know. Quiet but always eavesdropping onto my cubicle. No harm done. We still love u so. Work hard and ya know, I'm always here for u to complain to. =]
JOAN LIM MEI SZE. hamster hamster. what should I say. Everytime I find you, I see you eating. HAIYOH! Cannot lidat ok. You look gooooooood when u SMILE. So smile more girl. =]
CHIN JIA QI. work hard girl! Stop playing already horrrrrrr. Must get on with life and work hard. EARN lots of money. Open a shop or whatever but don't remember to feed me food. Thank you very much! HAHA! =]
HENDRY OCTAVANUS. OIE U MORON. you know I love you so much. Thanks for helping me sooooo much over the years. THOUGH I always bully you.. you know how much I love you yeah.. MUAAACKS! =]
PANG LIYI. YILI AH!! You ah.. always gang up with them to bully me. See u good good girl but always bully me. SADDED LA. OK damn kua zhang. But yeah.. you always produce good stuff so make sure you out human head ground. (chu ren tou di) =] J I A Y O U ah.
DIYANAH. GIRL AH! Nothing much to say but its been glad knowing you. Tough girl so no need much advice la hor. Have been a rocking 3 years. ROCK ON! =]
SOONWEESOON. LOVE U BRO! No need say much. you know i know can le. MUACKS! Rock on A KIA. hahahaha. =]
JACQUELINE EK ZHEN LING. OEI CRAB. Year1 = boy boy. Year2 = half boy half girl. Year3 = CHIO BU AH!!! My lil darling! =]
DALPHANIE MUN SOOK HAN. dalp!!!!!!!!!!!!! cute cute girl!! i alwaes like to bully u hor. but we always help each other work. Appreciate all late nights chat with each other. Trying to bug each other to carry on working. Its been 3 years. Jiayou and date me laaa. Though I might be occupied. =P
TAN ZHONG YI. OEI HANDSOME! work hard ah. Know your graphics are good. Earn more money. Be big boss boss. (JAC on phone with me now. she say u PON CLASS KING and SK is pon class queen) Keep in touch dude. CHEERS. =]
VANICE LAM WAN LING. mei po..... see u from yr1 to yr3... yue lai yue ai mei le ah.. hope things go smooth for u in the future.. will miss your noise in future.. Glad to have you as part of 01. Without your noice and without my noise.. class would be so boring.. =]
NEO FANG TING. OEI MEI NU! Faster get married with guoyi ok! Nothing much to say but yeah keep in touch! Its been great knowing you!! =]
CHARIS YUE JIE YIN. PRINCESS BUTTERFLY. Your such a sight to behold. I guess I am too since we share the same bdae. *shy* Take care and good luck in everything you pursue. Cheers. =]
JOAN CHIA YI MIN. FIRST! Thanks for all the money you lent me to tide me over. (OKOK!) Secondly. Thanks for all the massages although most of the time I get hoot instead. Thirdly. Its been great having you behind me all this time. No real reason but I appreciate it! =]
TAN SI JING SERLYN. OEI MAFIA. KON KIA. PINK HAIR GIRL. CLAFIA. HENG KIA. Thanks for all the nonsense you bring to us ok. Its been rocking. Without these nonsense, I will not be able to remember u ok. Be glad I remember you becos of these nonsense. Hahaha! Oh well.. =]
VINOTHINI RAJAH. BINO BINO (yes b). Yes darling.... SO NOW... I got no time to bitch with you... HOW AHH!!!!! AIYA.. i miss you already........ Its great bitching and making fools out of each other for 3 years.. Gonna miss all this..TAKE CARE GIRL! =]
TAN SK. Ran out of words for my TOD after writing for the rest of the class. Give u 3 letters. PCQ. PON CLASS QUEEN. LOL! Take care la. =]