Engine Gattai Seiku-Oh (炎神合体セイクウオー, Enjin Gattai Seikūō) is the combination of the winged Engines Toripter, Jetras, and Jum-bowhale, referred to as the "Sky Punching King of the Heavens" (空を制する天空の王, Sora o Seisuru Tenkū no Ō). Its techniques include the Toripcutter (トリプカッター, Toripukattā), the Jetras Boomerang (ジェットラスブーメラン, Jettorasu Būmeran), the Jetori Turbulence (ジェットリタービュランス, Jettori Tābyuransu), and Seiku Sonic (セイクウソニック, Seikū Sonikku). Seiku-Oh's finishing attack is the Seiku Impulse (セイクウインパルス, Seikū Inparusu).